Chapter 69: There’s Not Actually Such Thing As A “Plant Cell Splitter”

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Phineas is a lot less gentle with Callie, although he makes sure that he doesn’t hurt her anymore than Suzy already has. He brings the animals back to their cell, and reports to his new boss. “There were a couple bugs hidden on them, but I destroyed them.”

“Good.” She hands him the animal translator she found in her brother’s ear. “What is this and what does it do?”

He examines it carefully. “Well, that depends. Where did you find it on him?”

She raises her eyebrows, “Why does that matter?”

Phineas sighs. “Can you hand me a piece of paper and a writing implement? I will try to explain it for you.”

“Are you saying that I’m stupid?” Zon growls a little, but hands the inventor the things he asked for.

He grins and sits down, sketching out a couple basic rough blueprints. “You’re not stupid, just not very good with technology. I can help you with that if you like. But the difference between these two devices…”

She raises her eyebrows, “Just tell me.”

The inventor chuckles, “One’s an animal translator, and one’s for splitting plant cells.”

“Why would O.W.C.A. have a gadget to split plant cells?” Zon shakes her head. “And why would Jeremy have it on him? It’s obviously the animal translator.”

He rolls his eyes. “Where was it?”

Zon sighs, “In his ear.”

Phineas smirks, “Then it was the plant cell splitter.” She stares at him. “I’m kidding. Sheesh, am I the only evil person with a sense of humour?” He passes it to her, “Yes, it’s the animal translator. He was probably using it to communicate with his friends.”

She smirks, “They were your friends, too.”

“Yeah sure whatever.” He sighs. “Anyway, what else can I do for you?”

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