Chapter 24: Don't Walk Away

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Perry points at his hoverjet, and he walks over and starts it. Phineas follows him and carefully sits next to the platypus. “So, why didn’t you tell us?” Perry shakes his head, and when Phineas puts his seatbelt on, he flies up out of the lair, and away from the house on Maple Drive. “Where are we going?”

Perry pulls the translator out of his hat and places it in his mouth again. “Take the wheel.” He presses a button on the dashboard, and the steering wheel and pedals flip to the side that Phineas is sitting on.

Phineas grabs the wheel, but looks sideways at Perry. “Are you okay?”
“I can’t drive with this translator in. It’s very discombobulating.” Perry looks down at his little hands sadly. “I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you Phineas. I… I guess that I just really didn’t want to stop being Perry to you. I don’t…” He trails off.

Phineas stares openly at his pet. “You don’t what?”

“Turn right!” Perry grabs the wheel and swerves the hoverjet just in time to avoid the DEI building. Heinz Doofenshmirtz stares after them, standing next to a strangely shaped object under a tarp. Probably his latest -inator, Perry thinks. “Rats… Phineas, what time is it?” Phineas looks over at his platypus, confused.

“Don’t you have a watch?” The platypus rubs his bill gently.

He smiles half-hertedly. “They aren’t watches. They’re communicators. Plus… I kind of broke it. The clock doesn’t work anymore, and I didn’t want to tell Carl.”

Phineas looks at his watch. “9:36 am, why?”

“I’ve got to go thwart my nemesis at 10:00.” Perry rolls his eyes. “He’s always upset if I’m late.”

Phineas smiles too, almost forgetting he’s angry. “Perry, what were you saying before? You don’t what?”

Perry leans back and looks up at the sky for a minute or two. He looks over at Phineas. “I don’t want you to send me away again.” There. I said it.

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