Chapter 69: There’s Not Actually Such Thing As A “Plant Cell Splitter”

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Phineas is a lot less gentle with Callie, although he makes sure that he doesn’t hurt her anymore than Suzy already has. He brings the animals back to their cell, and reports to his new boss. “There were a couple bugs hidden on them, but I destroyed them.”

“Good.” She hands him the animal translator she found in her brother’s ear. “What is this and what does it do?”

He examines it carefully. “Well, that depends. Where did you find it on him?”

She raises her eyebrows, “Why does that matter?”

Phineas sighs. “Can you hand me a piece of paper and a writing implement? I will try to explain it for you.”

“Are you saying that I’m stupid?” Zon growls a little, but hands the inventor the things he asked for.

He grins and sits down, sketching out a couple basic rough blueprints. “You’re not stupid, just not very good with technology. I can help you with that if you like. But the difference between these two devices…”

She raises her eyebrows, “Just tell me.”

The inventor chuckles, “One’s an animal translator, and one’s for splitting plant cells.”

“Why would O.W.C.A. have a gadget to split plant cells?” Zon shakes her head. “And why would Jeremy have it on him? It’s obviously the animal translator.”

He rolls his eyes. “Where was it?”

Zon sighs, “In his ear.”

Phineas smirks, “Then it was the plant cell splitter.” She stares at him. “I’m kidding. Sheesh, am I the only evil person with a sense of humour?” He passes it to her, “Yes, it’s the animal translator. He was probably using it to communicate with his friends.”

She smirks, “They were your friends, too.”

“Yeah sure whatever.” He sighs. “Anyway, what else can I do for you?”

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Chapter 68: Reluctantly Evil

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“Phineas, being evil is so much easier than being the good guy. Come on, join our cause!” Zon is using her talents to manipulate the young inventor, and so far he’s resisting. She sighs, and shines a green light into his eyes. Little does she know that many years of controlling his power has left Phineas invulnerable to any unwelcome forms of mind control. “I didn’t want to have to do this.”

He tries to look away, or at least pretends to. “You don’t want to do a lot of things, it seems. But you still do them. Why?”

She turns the beam brighter, and the robots force him to stare into it. “I’ll ask the questions around here, buddy.”


Phineas and Zon come back down the prison hall. Jeremy gulps as he sees the boy’s face. “He’s switched teams.”


Ferb groans, putting his face in his hands. “Oh Phineas!”

Candace suddenly realises something, and she turns to Perry. “If all that was keeping him from using his power was his morals, what will he do now that he’s evil?”

Perry twitches uncomfortably. “I don’t know, Candace. I just don’t know.”


Phineas grabs the bug from it’s hiding place and hands it to Suzy. “They’ve been using this to communicate with the prisoners. In fact, they can hear everything we are saying right now.” He crushes it. “And these can duplicate themselves, so we need to search everywhere. And everyone.” He looks meaningfully at Jeremy, and Zon grits her teeth.

“Search him, but do not hurt him. And bring everything you find to me. Don’t destroy it.” She points lazily at the other two occupants of the cell. “Phineas, you search them, and destroy anything you find.” He nods, and picking up the animals gently, heads into one of the interrogation rooms.

He places Callie in a soundproof cage, and puts Pinky on a table. Phineas pulls a scanning device from his pocket, and runs it over the trembling dog’s frail body. “Relax, Pinky. I’m not going to hurt you. Zon may have turned me evil, but nobody can make me cruel. Especially to my girlfriend’s pet.” He looks sad, “Even though she’s probably not my girlfriend anymore.” Pinky looks up at him sharply. The young man seems to be wishing that he is still on the other side, rather than embracing his new position.

“You don’t sound too excited about being evil.” The chihuahua winces slightly as Phineas touches a sore spot.

The inventor sighs, “Frankly, I’m not. Oh, by the way.” He removes a spare animal translator from his pocket. “I don’t really want to be evil forever.” He gently opens Pinky’s mouth and tucks the translator under the dog’s tongue. “I missed this if anyone asks.”

The old dog looks up at him, startled. “You’re a mole!”

“You can’t tell anyone else.” The young man grabs the hidden bug from the dog’s neck. “And I can’t believe they actually hid a bug on you.”

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Older Brothers

So, you might remember when I got all excited when molder brother drew Perry on a YouTube video.

Well, he sent me an email.

And this was in it.

And he's awesome.

I will have to use this.

Many times. 

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Chapter 67: Uh Oh, Rodney.

 (This is SSSSSSOOOOOO late! I'm really sorry.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Zon stands in front of the cell, glaring at Phineas. “Why did you come down here? How did you find this place?”

“After we got your contact information from L.O.V.E.M.U.F.F.I.N, it wasn’t hard to find you.” He stares back at her, but doesn’t quite meet her gaze.

She turns on Rodney, “You gave your group of incompetents my contact information?” He looks entirely surprised at her anger and raises his hands in defense. “Ugh! We will finish this conversation later!” Zon Joshsyn looks back at Phineas appraisingly. “Dennis, take him into our little ‘chatting’ room. He may have information for us.”

He plays his part very well by struggling as the little rabbit orders several robots to take him out of the cell. “I’ll never tell you anything!” (I may have forgotten to put that they have robots now.) As he’s pulling against the strong metal arms, the evil twelve year-old laughs menacingly.

“I have my ways of getting information out of people, Phineas.” She says, in her sweet bubbly tone.


Candace hides the duplicate bugs in different places round the cell that she hopes Phineas and Suzy won’t look. “I’m worried about him, Perry.” They’ve maintained radio silence since hearing them drag Phineas into the cell, only listening, so Jeremy and the animal agents don’t know that they’re hiding more bugs. “He’s so… dangerous.”

Perry looks at his partner in shock. He’s never heard her say anything against her younger brother before, besides that he’s annoying or obnoxious. “What do you mean?”

“He’s a genius, Perry. Together with Ferb, he’s basically re-invented O.W.C.A’s entire inner workings! He knows all of the pass codes for everything, and he knows our plan!” Candace puts her head in her hands. “What if he goes over to her side? Everything is doomed.”

The platypus sighs, “No. I always have a backup plan. Ferb is already working with Carl to change all of the pass codes, and some of the other agents are changing to Plan B.”

Major Monogram comes in, “Agent P, I think you’re crazy.”

“Says the guy who had Ferb install a coffee spout on his desk when our way of life is in peril.” Perry rolls his eyes a little. “Anyway, I need to run over the new plan with you two.”

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Chapter 66: Genius disguised As Stupidity

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace runs into the room that her younger brother just ran out of, and yells, “What did you guys do? Phineas just went to Joshsyn’s fortress!”

“Duplicate the bug, Candace.” Perry is pacing back and forth on the floor. “We all know how manipulative Suzy can be. It is likely that Phineas will be persuaded to join them.” He looks up at his partner, “And he knows about the bug, and the plan.” She pales.


Phineas knocks politely on the Johnson’s front door. Mrs. Johnson opens it and invites him in. “Your parents left an hour ago, Phineas.”

“I know. I’m here to see Suzy.” He figures that they still think that Suzy and Jeremy are in the twelve year-old’s room, and he’s right.

Jeremy’s mother smiles and points him to her daughter’s bedroom, “It’s nice to see them enjoying each other’s company again.” Phineas almost laughs, but just smiles a little. He thanks her, and after entering Suzy’s room, opens the door hidden in the closet and goes down the stairs into her lair.

He is quickly apprehended, and thrown into the same cell as Jeremy, Pinky, and Callie. “Well, that didn’t work.”

“Hello, Phineas.” Jeremy hadn’t been told about the change in plans, since Perry figured that the other prisoners may be questioned. Even Pinky and Callie hadn’t been told.

Pinky glares at their newest cellmate, “What were you thinking? You, an untrained scientist, trying to do what half of O.W.C.A’s best agents could not?”

Phineas shrugs, but he blushes a little too. “I probably could have thought it out better.”

Callie laughs, “Perry always said you were a little headstrong.” Suddenly her eyes widen, and she shrinks back. “They’re coming.” Jeremy steps in front of the animals protectively, and Phineas leans against the side wall of the cell nervously.

He knows what the next step in his plan is, and he’s not looking forward to it.

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Sorry so late!

I'm so sorry about how late this is. There's been a lot of travel... and I'm starting school. So it's chaotic lately. But I'll update one chapter today, and then next chapter will be on Tuesday probably. :)

Sorry Again! 

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Chapter 65: Disbelief

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Phineas chuckles, “I thought I heard you say that I need to go work for Joshsyn.”

“I did say that.” The young man stops laughing and stares at Perry. “We haven’t told Candace because we need her to be believably mad at you when you ‘turn to the dark side’.” He outlines “turn to the dark side” with finger quotes.

Ferb gets up and taps his brother’s nose. Phineas doesn’t respond, as he’s still staring at Perry, frozen. “Phineas…”

When Ferb speaks, Phineas throws his arms out in front of him angrily. “We just made up! It’s taken three years for her to trust me after finding out about my… and now you want me to-” Perry gets up, walks over to Phineas and beckons him to lean down. When the boy kneels to be at the platypus’ eye level, Perry whacks him across the face. Not hard, just enough to hurt a little. “What was that for?”

The secret agent makes the international shush sign, and says, “Listen, Phineas. I know this is hard. I’ve been on both sides of situations like this before.” He sighs, “Sometimes it’s necessary to pretend to betray people when you’re working for the good guys. It’s hard. But,” Looking into Phineas’ eyes, Perry says, “I know that you can handle it. You’re a strong man.”

Ferb helps his brother up. “There are instructions hidden in this book.” He hands Phineas a copy of Evil Methods for Beginners. Taking the book, the red haired inventor flips through it, easily picking up the code. “No one else will be able to understand them, because the code was written so that only our two minds would be able to understand it. Even Perry is clueless, and he’s-”

“Won several awards for codebreaking, in the agency and out of it.” Perry salutes his owner.

Phineas stomps his foot. “I can’t believe you! You two are just taking too long to act! I’m going to storm Joshsyn myself!”

When he’s stormed out of the room, Perry meets Ferb’s eyes. “I really hope he’s acting.”

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Chapter 64: And I Feel Fine

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace moves the bug back under Jeremy’s mattress just before Suzy reaches the cell. “Thanks for warning me, Carl.” She gives Carl a thumbs up, then turns her attention back to the conversation in the cell.

“So. You recorded the song.” Zon places one hand on her hip, looking at her older brother. “Did a good job, too.”

Jeremy looks at his little sister sadly. “Suzy, why are you doing this?”

She ignores his question, “Aside from being let out, do you need anything else to make you comfortable?”

“I’m still a little lonely.” Jeremy points at Callie’s cell. “Can you put that cat in here with us?”

Zon snaps her fingers, and Dennis opens the doors to the cells and throws the old cat at Jeremy, who catches her gently. “There. Anything else?”
Jeremy’s stomach grumbles, “I haven’t eaten since brunch with the Flynn-Fletchers, and it’s dinner time. Can you bring me some food?”

The girl turns and towers over Dennis angrily, “I told you to bring him proper meals three times a day!”


“It’s the end of the world as we know it, and you two are treating it like it’s an ordinary day!” Phineas is pacing back and forth in front of his brother and pet, who are sitting on a couch in the laboratory. “You keep saying that it’s because we can’t do anything else right now, but I think that there’s something else going on.”

Ferb and Perry meet gazes uncomfortably. “Phineas, I haven’t told you the entirety of my plan.” The platypus looks down at his feet then up at his owner, who is glaring at him. “For the plan to work perfectly, you kind of need to go and work for Joshsyn.”

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Chapter 63: No Such Thing As Just An Ordinary Day

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Isabella looks at Phineas worriedly, “Are you okay?”

He smiles a little. “I’m having trouble understanding Perry and Ferb. They keep on acting like this is just…”

“An ordinary day?” The 18 year-old girl places a hand on his shoulder. “I know that you’ve never liked that.”
Phineas tries to laugh, but it’s very forced. “Yeah. There are two evil maniacs trying to take over the world, and they’re taking coffee breaks!” She gives him a quick hug, and he flinches, but then hugs her back. “Seriously, Izzy, Warn me next time.”
“Coffee breaks? You came to visit your girlfriend.” Isabella squeezes his hand. “But why don’t you go talk to them? Ask them about it?”

He leans back into the couch they’re sitting on. “I tried. They just said there is nothing we can do about it.”
Isabella stands up, pulling him to a standing position. “You have never given up in your life, Flynn.” She kisses him quickly on the cheek, “Now go ask them again.” Pushing him toward the door roughly, she says, “I know that you think there’s another reason.”

“You know me too well.” Phineas puts on his coat and they kiss goodbye. “Hopefully the next time I see you we won’t be the sad subjects of Zon Joshsyn and Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth Otto Wolfgang Hypatia Gunther Galen Gary Cooper von Roddenstein.”
Isabella raises an eyebrow, “How long did it take you to memorize that name?”


Ferb is using a screwdriver to adjust something under Major Monogram’s desk. “So this will dispense coffee straight into my cup?”

The nineteen year-old rolls his eyes. Monogram’s priorities seem twisted to him sometimes, but the guy gets his job done. “Yes, yes it will. Whenever you finish one cup, you just need to press the button on the bottom of the spout, and it will refill it for you with your favorite blend.” Ferb sits up, carefully avoiding banging his head on the bottom of the desk.
Perry comes in, raising an eyebrow at his boss. “You know, if you weren’t using the budget to do things like this, we might be able to afford an actual interrogation light.”

“Agent P, it is not your position to judge how I spend our budget.” Monogram sips his coffee. “Thank-you, Ferb.”

The Brit salutes, and after receiving a return salute from his boss, he follows the platypus out of the room. Phineas is leaning against the wall, glaring at them. “We need to talk.”

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Chapter 62: Don’t you hate having a strange yet catchy song stuck in your head?

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“Really Perry?” Ferb raises an eyebrow at the platypus at the door to his lab. “A throwback to a catchphrase?”

Agent P groans, “Hey Ferb, can you hand me that Certain Memory Eraser?”

Reaching toward a small gadget on his workbench, the inventor doesn’t take his eyes off the platypus. “Why?”

“I’m Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun in Dog.” Perry rubs his bill gently, “It doesn’t translate exactly, and there are some strange implications in that version.”
Ferb winces sympathetically. “Here.”

He hands the small item to Perry, who sets it and uses it to zap his head. “Thanks Ferb. So, what did you want to see me about?”

“I altered your translator for situations like that one with Zon on the phone.” The young man tosses Perry a small box. “This one shouldn’t make you pass out if you need to wear it for extended periods of time.”

Narrowing his eyes, Agent P catches the box, juggling it in his hands with the Certain Memory Eraser. “I didn’t pass out, Ferb. Remember that.”

“Right, sorry. I keep forgetting that you show no signs of weakness at any time.” Ferb takes the gadget from his pet’s hands, leaving Perry free to open the box. “This one should fit better too.”

Perry removes the new and improved translator out of the box. He places it in his mouth, not feeling anything uncomfortable this time. “Thank-you so much!” The platypus hugs Ferb tightly.

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Chapter 61: Coffee Break Chatter

(Like I said last week, this chapter may seem slightly out of place. But it's cute, and I really wanted to include it in this story.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Perry leans back against the cupboard door, sipping at the mug of coffee in his hand tentatively. “Who made the coffee today?”

“I did, P.” Serena the snake waves her mug at him. “Why?”

Agent P makes a face. “It’s a little strong, Serena. Did you remember four scoops instead of six?”
Serena shakes her head. “Sorry, P. I thought it was six scoops instead of four.”
“S’okay.” Perry smirks, “Did I tell you about Doof’s last scheme?”

The snake thinks back, “No, but I think Candace did.”

Caleb the cat -Callie’s son- speaks up suddenly, “Hey, let’s listen to some music!” Agent C still misses his mother, they had lived with the same host family. Any mention of Candace brings memories of her, and Caleb always changes the subject when Perry’s partner is mentioned. Perry doesn’t want to get the kitten’s hopes up, so he doesn’t tell him that his mother is alive. Caleb turns on the radio, which starts playing I’m Lindana and I Wanna Have Fun in Dog. “Who set the radio to Hit Singles From The Eighties?”

“Why did they translate that song into Dog? Humans can’t even understand Dog!” Damien the dachshund rolls his eyes.
Perry chuckles, “My fault, I guess.”

“What do you mean?” Damien tilts his head at the top agent curiously. Damien is O.W.C.A.’s newest recruit, having been adopted by Darren’s old host family a little while earlier, so THE Agent P talking to him is a little stressful.

Said agent takes another sip of his coffee and sputters. “Okay, wow.” Perry places the coffee on the high counter behind him, and turns to Damien. “Hey, you’re the kid that was adopted by the Kerinsteins a few weeks ago.”

Damien’s ears twitch a bit when he’s stressed. They’re twitching now, as he replies to the platypus nervously, “Yeah… how do-” He doesn’t even have to finish the sentence. “Oh yeah, you were there.” The puppy’s ears twitch faster.

“Dude, chill out. Your ears are going to fly away soon.” Caleb bats at the small dog’s ear with a paw. “Also, they’re making my pouncing instincts act up.”

“Caleb, leave him alone. And change the radio station, will you? All this one ever plays is Linda’s single repeatedly in different languages. I hear that song enough at home.” Agent P glares at his recent graduate. Caleb the cat was Perry’s latest student, and even though he goes on missions himself now, he’s at the lowest point of the hierarchy. “My host family are all very creative and musical, although at points Lawrence needs a little help.” Perry smiles a bit, remembering Max Modem and the Mainframes. “Anyway, they were going to turn one tape of the original Gitchee Gitchee Goo performance into months of ‘live’ performances by Phineas and the Ferb Tones, but I grabbed the tape out of a guy’s hand.”
The puppy nibbles on a small bone shaped dog treat. “Why did you do that?”

“What makes you think that I had a reason?” Although Perry is kinder to the students than most high level agents, he still enjoys teasing them on occasion.

Ears twitching, Damien backs away from the platypus a little. “I… I-”

“P, leave him alone!” Serena laughs a bit, but at the look on the puppy’s face, she hardens her features into a stern expression. “He’s teasing you, Damien.”

Perry mocks innocence, “Me, tease? You have me mistaken for someone else, Serena.” Placing her empty mug in the sink, Agent S attempts to smack the senior agent with her tail. The platypus grins, “Is that a challenge?” He grabs her tail as it comes near his face.

“Aww, man. I thought that black eye meant that your reflexes had slowed down a bit.” Serena groans as Perry uses her momentum to flip her up onto the counter behind himself.

“Obviously, because even Caleb could have seen that coming.” Perry leaps out of the way as the snake lunges at him. “Careful, Serena. We have an agreement about venom.”
Rolling her eyes, Serena grins at her co-worker. “That was fun, P. We should do it again some time.”
Caleb turns to look at his mentor angrily, “Hey, you said my reflexes are slow!”

Perry smiles, “Took you long enough.” The coffee bell rings again, and Perry’s watch beeps. “Duty calls. Everyone back to work!” The four animals disperse to their different stations. Agent P answers his watch on the way to his lair, “Hey Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today!”

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Chapter 60: I Can Just Imagine the Little Australian Accent

(AAAAH! Sorry for being a day late... AGAIN. I think I'm going to change my updating day to Wednesdays. Anyway, this chapter is kinda cute... And just warning you, the next chapter WILL seem a little out of place because I wrote it before I wrote these last six chapters. It was just something cute I wanted to write.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Perry gets out of the sound recording room just as the coffee break bell rings. Ferb gets up, “I’m going to go work on something in my lab.”

Candace and Phineas stare as Perry tips his hat. “I’m going to go have some coffee with the other agents before phase two.”
“Seriously?” Phineas throws out his hands, exasperated. “You guys are taking a break?”

The platypus and the Brit look at each other. “Um… there’s nothing else we can do right now. And it’s only going to be fifteen minutes.”
Ferb nods, agreeing with his pet. “You two should take a break, too. You both seem a little stressed.”

“I’m going to continue to monitor the bugs with Carl.” Candace heads out the door.

Phineas bites his lower lip, “I’m going to go see how Isabella’s doing.”

“Don’t tell her that Pinky is alive. He’s very weak, and we don’t want to get her hopes up.” Perry touches his owner’s leg gently. “Have a good time, though.”

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Chapter 59: Musical Talent And Awkward Conversations

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Jeremy strums a series of chords, recording the lyrics. At O.W.C.A, Perry is playing different chords and singing subliminal lyrics behind the ones Rodney wrote. Candace and Phineas are staring in amazement, Ferb is mixing it into the song that Jeremy is recording to create a complicated feeling that would normally only be accomplished by multiple tracks. The messages that Perry is singing will hopefully make Zon and Aloyse think that it’s a good idea to put all of the prisoners into the one cell across from Jeremy, which will put the escape plan in motion.

Phineas taps his older sister on the shoulder, “Did you know that he could sing like that?” He whispers.

She shrugs and shakes her head. Also whispering, she replies, “I didn’t even know he played guitar.” Laughing a little, Candace pulls him into a hug. “You however, I’ve always known that you could sing.”

He pulls out of the hug. Since their conversation about his “abilities,” she’s been hugging him a lot. “You aren’t too bad yourself.”

Ferb rolls his eyes. He’s glad that his siblings have made up and all, but they’ve kind of been excluding him lately. “You two sound nervous.”

“What? I’m not nervous.” Phineas reaches up to scratch his ear, and Ferb looks at him meaningfully without stopping his work. “Okay, I’m extremely nervous. But you can’t blame me, Ferb. Our way of life is at stake!”

Candace puts one hand on her hip. “Yeah, says you. I’m probably going to be put in prison or executed painfully, where as-”

Phineas quickly covers his sister’s mouth with his right hand. “I don’t really want to dwell on Suzy’s huge crush on me, Candace.”

She pushes his hand away, “Phineas, your hands are seriously sweating.”

“Sorry… I should go wash them off.” Happy for any excuse to get out of that room for a moment, Phineas heads into the small bathroom off of the recording studio.

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Chapter 58: I Realize This May Be Awkward For Some Of You...

(Ahh! Sorry for being so late! Well, one day late, but that's still late! It's Camp NaNoWriMo again, but I'm going to keep trying to get to a place where I update twice a week again.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

The cat in the cell across from Jeremy’s is lying in pain on a rag. She’s still refusing to do anything for Zon, so Pinky has been giving her half of his food the entire time he’s been imprisoned. Candace steers the bug into her cell after scanning it for any recording devices. Perry speaks into his microphone, “Cal?”

Callie raises her head, “P? Did your nemesis turn you into a bug?”

“No, I’m at HQ speaking into a microphone.” The platypus is speaking in a tone that Candace has never heard him use before. It’s so gentle, but still strong, not revealing any of the pain he feels seeing his friend like this. “Pinky said that he was sharing his food with you.”

The old cat sighs a little, “Pinky is in a cell with Jeremy now.”

Perry bites the lower part of his bill like a human would do to their lip when stressed or sad, “Yes I know…” He sighs too, “I have an idea, but it’s risky.”

As he describes his plan, hope starts to shine on the tired cat’s face. Candace stares at her partner. “Did the razor wire trap affect your brain?”

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Chapter 57: Duty First

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace stares through the camera at the poor old dog. “Oh… Pinky.”
Jeremy stares at the little robotic bug. “Um…” Suddenly, he notices it has something written on the side. “O.W.C.A?” he whispers quietly, “How did they get that in here?”
The bug turns toward him, and Candace turns on the microphone. Whatever she speaks on her side will be passed through in a frequency that only animals and people wearing the translators can hear. “On Joshsyn’s boot.”
“Gah!” Jeremy leaps off the bed, waking Pinky, who raises his head painfully. “Candace?”
The woman giggles at her fiance’s reaction. “Yes. I’ve been monitoring your conversation since Joshsyn came down to inspect your cell.”
Jeremy raises his eyebrows at the little robotic camera, “And you just showed up now?”
Candace sighs, “Jeremy, I know what I’m doing.” She hesitates, “Well, mostly.”
“Greeaat…” Pinky rolls his eyes sarcastically. “Wait, why are you running the bug?”
She laughs, “You’ve been gone for a while, Agent Pinky. I’m O.W.C.A’s only human agent now, not P’s secretary.”
The blonde prisoner looks around nervously. “I need to keep working on this song or I’ll attract too much attention.”
Phineas’ voice comes through Candace’s headphones, “Perry has just checked himself out of the hospital. We’re on our way to HQ.”
“He’s crazy, and you can tell him that I said so.” She shakes her head and speaks into the microphone again. “Sorry about that, guys.”
Jeremy has picked up his guitar, and he’s strumming chords in a random order to go with the randomly spaced lyrics. “Who’s crazy?”
Candace rolls her eyes, “Our dear friend Agent P has checked himself out of the hospital with only minimal treatment for his wounds.”
Pinky attempts a chuckle, “Sounds like my friend hasn’t changed much.”
“I haven’t.” Perry, still in bandages, is sitting next to his partner, also wearing headphones and a microphone. “I’m so glad you’re still alive.” The platypus’ accent is slightly marred by his grim determination not to reveal tears, but Candace and Pinky know him too well to be fooled by the gruff tone.
The chihuahua tries to sit up, but Jeremy places a gentle hand on him, guiding him back to the pillow. “Go easy, Pinky. You need to rest.” Perry takes in his best friend’s injuries, and his tears almost escape him. 
He notices Carl’s sideways glance, however, and quickly swallows his tears. “Listen to him, Pinks.” A small smile plays on the dog’s face at the familiar nickname. “Are the others..?”
Pinky sighs, “All okay. Well, Callie is in sore shape, but she’s alive.” Perry winces. Candace looks over at him in sympathy, knowing the feelings he has for his co-worker.

(Sorry this is a day late. My schedule has been... Interrupted.) Please Comment!

Chapter 56: Ain’t Got Rhythm

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Jeremy reads through the lyrics, wincing every couple of sentences. “These sentences have almost no rhythm to them.”

“I have a hard time imagining Rodney as a songwriter.” Pinky chuckles a little, flinching as he jumps onto the bed beside Jeremy. After reading the song quickly, he sighs. “Unfortunately, I have no musical talent whatsoever, so I can’t help you with this.” The chihuahua leans his tired grey head down on the man’s lap. “Perry could, though.”


Candace is listening to and recording the conversation in the cell. She flinches when Pinky says Perry’s name. Pressing a button on the desk to transmit the recording in code to Phineas’ phone, she starts taking down important notes from the conversation on a pad of lined paper.


“Perry?” Jeremy strums a chord on his guitar. He looks down at the dog, who has fallen asleep. “Nevermind.” He picks up Pinky, and lays him down so that the dog’s head is resting against the soft pillow. 
The dog whimpers in sleep, and the man sighs. What has she done to these animals? How cruel… Jeremy cannot bring himself to ask himself the full question. 
The camera under the bed scans the cell for cameras or other devices. When it’s sensors find none, it starts crawling up the wall behind the bed. “What on earth?”

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My older brother drew Perry the platypus and uploaded it on YouTube today.

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Chapter 55: Not the Song From Chapter 33

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

The twelve year-old villain looks over the prison cell that her older brother is locked in. “Dennis, bring him a guitar and that theme song that Aloyse wrote for us. Once he’s added music for it, record him playing it.” The rabbit, after giving strict orders to one of the security guards, salutes her and heads off to follow the instructions.
Jeremy glares at his younger sister. “What makes you think that I’ll do anything for you?”
“Boredom. It’s done wonders with my other prisoners.” With this, Zon waves around at the other cells in the dark dungeon. Aside from Jeremy’s cell, which is painted white and has a cork floor and a separate bathroom, the cells are damp and grey. Filled with every O.W.C.A. agent that has ever been assigned to Zon Joshsyn, the cells also seem to be offices, where the animals seem to be working FOR Joshsyn rather than against her. 
As you can see, my partners and I have several of O.W.C.A’s best agents behind most of our plans. Of course, we have to read over everything because they could be making mistakes on purpose.” Grinning evilly, she lifts up a small chihuahua. He’s thinner than Jeremy remembers him, and he is showing signs of old age, but Pinky the chihuahua is very much alive. 
“They’ve tried it in the past, but soon discovered that it means everyone down here goes hungry. Isn’t that right, Chihuahua?” A quiet and menacing growl shows that the agent still hates the little girl. Zon simply throws the old chihuahua back into his cell, and Pinky cries out in pain.
The young man winces as the old dog tries to stand, but totters over. “Suzy, put Pinky in here with me. I’ll do the song for you, but only if I have him for company.”
She waves her hand carelessly. “Aloyse, put the rat dog in with our newest prisoner.”
Back at O.W.C.A, Carl presses a button which makes the bug in Zon’s boot duplicate itself and turns on the camera. He uses a remote to maneuver it into Jeremy’s cell, and tucks it into the bottom of the bed. “Your brothers did a good job on these bugs.”
“The duplication feature is quite useful. The camera and two way communication makes it seem almost like it was designed for this exact situation.” She ponders this for a moment, but shakes her head. “But there’s no way that they could have designed this for today, right?”
Carl shrugs. “Nothing makes sense in Danville.” Nodding, Candace turns her attention back to the conversation in her fiance’s sister’s lair’s prison chamber.

Jeremy gently touches the aged agent’s bruises, pulling his hand away sharply when the agent whines in pain. “I’m glad Isabella isn’t here to see this.”
“Does she think I’m dead?” For some reason, the only thing they had taken away from the blonde man was his cellphone, so he has his animal translator in his ear.
He nods at the little dog, who sighs. “We all did. Douglas Worthington told us that she might have thrown you into a lava pit.”
Pinky growls, “Wish there was some way to let them know I’m okay. I bet that Perry would  love to know that Callie is okay.”  He rolls his eyes, and Jeremy’s spirit’s lift a little, knowing that the old dog hasn’t had his sense of humor entirely crushed.
Dennis opens the door just enough to pass in Jeremy’s guitar, amplifier, and some papers. Jeremy sighs, taking the things, and he sits down on his bed to read the “theme song.”
“They’re all  alive?” Candace’s face is lit up with joy.
Carl grins, “Do you think we should show ourselves to them first, or tell Isabella?”
Candace bites her lip, “Let’s see what kind of shape Pinky’s in before we tell Izzy.”

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Chapter 54: Oh Noes!

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace and Carl are sitting side by side at a workstation in O.W.C.A. H.Q. Each is listening to one of the hidden microphones, and each monitoring tracking devices.
“So, there must be some sort of secret passageway from Suzy’s room to Zon’s lair.” Carl has been monitoring the progress of the gadgets since they were planted this morning, and he is seriously in need of a coffee.
Candace yelps a little as the microphone in Zon’s hair springs to life in her ear. “I’ve got something.”
Rodney’s voice comes through the headphones. “I like what you’ve done with your hair, Zon.”
“Is the prisoner comfortable?” Zon’s cold voice has traces of pain, and Candace wonders why. Carl’s bug is picking up the conversation as well, and their eyes meet.
Carl has also noticed the pain in her voice, “I wonder if there’s actually a heart under those blonde curls.”
O.W.C.A’s only human agent shrugs. She makes sure that her headphones are recording, and looks over the piece of paper that Dr. D wrote everything he knows about Zon Joshsyn on. “Maybe, but according to this paper and Douglas’ information, she’s destroyed several humans and animals cruelly in the last six years.”
Suddenly, Jeremy’s voice comes through the headphones. “Suzy, what is wrong with you?”
Candace cries out, “She’s got Jeremy!”

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Chapter 53: I’m Feeling Uncomfortable With Where My Story Is Going...

(Okay, so I haven't been on for like, ages. I was grounded due to a small incident involving a kitchen knife and my brother's IPad... Yeah, don't ask. Anyway, here's the next chapter, and I'll post the next two as well today. :)
Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“That’s strange… Jeremy isn’t answering his phone.” Candace closes her phone. “Perry, how ya doing?”
“What do you think?” Perry is lying down in the back of the ambulance with Ferb next to him. Phineas is gripping the wheel so hard that his fingers are white as he stares out the windshield.
He pulls into O.W.C.A’s animal hospital, the Animal Hospital Without… you can probably guess the rest. “Come on, Perry. Let’s get you somewhere more comfortable.” Perry sighs. He has only been in here for more than a check-up once before in his entire career, and this is embarrassing.
Candace gives her pet a knowing smile as Ferb and Phineas carry the stretcher through the doors. “I’m going to get back to work.” She starts to walk away, but Phineas stops her.
“You’re just leaving?” His face shows true shock, and for a moment, she feels like he’s ten years-old again.
She sighs. “Listen Phineas, if Suzy and Rodney succeed in taking over the world, we will all suffer the consequences. Well, except maybe you.” Candace winks at her little brother as she straps on her jetpack and takes off.
“Not funny, Candace.” He mutters, as they deliver Perry to the trap related injury department. “If Suzy Johnson has a crush on me, what will Zon Joshsyn do to Isabella? Not to mention the six year age difference.”
Ferb snorts, “She’s actually talked to me about it. Apparently if I can do it, she can.” Phineas has almost forgotten by now that Vanessa is six years older than his step-brother.

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Chapter 52: The Truth Comes Out

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Suzy sits across from her older brother in her bedroom. “Why did you want to talk to me?”

“What was that look you gave Phineas earlier when he came back into the room after his phone call?” Jeremy watches his sister put on the innocence act level 7 on a scale of one to five.

Her eyes open wide, a small adorable smile on her lips. “What’cha talkin’ about?”

In her bedroom, Isabella sits up straight and looks around furiously.

“Suzy, you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Jeremy had seen Candace’s nervous conversation with her younger brothers in the driveway, and he knows something’s up. “What are you up to?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Suzy’s voice is losing it’s sweet and innocent edge. Her fists clench and unclench in her lap. “Maybe you should just leave me alone.”

Jeremy stares at his little sister. She’s never come this close to showing him her other side before. “Suzy, I need to know what you’re up to. There’s an evil brat after Candace, and she doesn’t need anything else going wrong right now.”

Suzy (AKA Zon -the “evil brat” after Candace) flinches just noticeably. “An evil brat?”

“Well, anyone who would team up with someone to take over the world must either be seriously insane, or just a really annoying brat. You know, Candace told me that they had intel that Zon Joshsyn is twelve years old, just like you.” Jeremy notices his little sister flinch again. “Suzy?” The girl doesn’t look up, but sighs.

“I didn’t want to do this.” Everything cute and sweet is out of her voice now, and it’s just cold and menacing. Suzy presses a button on her wall, and the door locks itself. Jeremy tries to escape, but he’s suddenly cut off by a small white rabbit. “Dennis, take him to the cells. Do not harm him.”

She presses another button, and a screen drops down and comes up again, leaving Zon Joshsyn in Suzy’s place. Her hair is still in french braids, as she considers it suiting for an evil mastermind. “I’m sorry that it has to be this way, Jeremy.” Her eyes start to fill with tears, and she turns away as the bunny pushes her handcuffed brother down the stairs into her lair.

(I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! Don't get mad at me! :P Kidding. This is awesome.) Please Comment!

I am feeling so evil...

Argh! I must say, I'm looking forward to the scene that I'm about to write. BUT, it creeps me out a little bit. :/

So... how are you people enjoying the story so far? I've tried to keep it interesting and such, but you know... It's starting to creep me out a bit.

Oh, I 'm bringing Phineas' biological father into one chapter. He'll say about two lines. That's coming up in, like, twenty chapters.

Anyway, I just needed to write down my feelings somewhere.


I almost forgot.

I have another blog.

It's for anything I write that isn't specifically PnF fan fiction.

It's called: Writer's Block (Click the pretty blue words to go see it! :)

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Chapter 51: Razor Wire

(Ahhh! We're getting SOOO close to... Oops, almost gave it away. But come back next week for a crazy chapter. And then after that, they just keep on getting worse...) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Agent C makes sure that her purse is concealed, and hops on her scooter. “All right, I’ll make sure that Doof doesn’t succeed in his plan.” She salutes Major Monogram politely.

“Try not to use mirrors, Agent C. Last time we used a mirror to deflect one of Doof’s -inators from it’s intended recipient… Well, Carl turned evil.” Monogram shudders, remembering Mr. Evil For Extra Credit.

Candace giggles, “He did a pretty good job of it, too. I met a couple of his robots in Africa.” She heads off toward DEI.


Perry winces as the sharp wire cuts into his arms and chest. “Heinz, are you feeling alright?” As far back as the agent can remember, his nemesis has never actually made a successful trap.

“I’m feeling marvelous! Ever since I shot myself with my everything evil inator, I’ve been lusciously mean!” Heinz aims the -inator at his younger brother. “Once I’ve turned Roger into a dehydrated cube, I will be able to use the confusion to take over the tri-state area!” As he’s about to press the button, a fist comes out of nowhere and hits his nose. “Oooow!” Candace steps out of the shadows, and punches the doctor in the gut.

Agent C stands over him, her hands on her hips. “Tsk, tsk, Dr. D… I never thought you would repeat yourself.”

“Agent Candace, we meet again!” Heinz tries to get up, but a foot is placed on his chest, pinning him to the floor. “Let me up so we can fight normally!”

“I thought that you didn’t like to hit girls.” Candace points out sarcastically, as she presses down harder on the man’s chest. “Where’s the release button for Agent P’s trap?” She hisses into his face.

Dr. Doofenshmirtz grabs her foot, and flips the agent off of his chest. She rolls into the -inator, running up against the random fire button. “Why do I always put that button on there?!” Perry chatters in pain as a purple ray hits his trap, dehydrating it into a small purple cube. The sharp wires have sliced off a lot of his fur, and he’s bleeding heavily. However, he punches the doctor’s pocket, hitting the remote control self-destruct button. “Hey, you got blood all over my nice white labcoat!”

The machine blows up, the shockwave knocking Candace back into Perry. She winces, but stands up again, turning to Doofenshmirtz, who has a blank look on his face. “Dr. D, are you okay?”

"The real question is, are you guys okay?” Heinz shakes his head. The explosion has knocked the effects of the everything evil inator out of his mind. “I’m so, so, sorry.”

Perry tries to stand up, but he’s lost too much blood, and is very weak. “Meat-Brick?” Candace kneels down next to him, and looks him over.

“I hurt Perry the platypus?” Heinz growls at himself, banging his head against the wall. “I’ll go grab a first aid kit.” I can’t believe I did that.

Candace calls Phineas on her phone. “Phineas, can you drive the O.W.C.A ambulance over here as fast as you possibly can?”

“I’m already on my way, Agent C. Agent P told me over the phone that he was tied up in razor wire.” Over the phone, Candace hears her little brother growl viciously. “If you haven’t basically killed that evil scientist, I will personally finish him off.”

“Phineas, relax. The effects of his everything evil-inator have worn off, and he’s getting a first aid kit to help Perry.” The girl looks up at her partner’s nemesis who has kneeled down next to her. “Listen, kid. I got to go. See you soon.”

Heinz opens the first aid kit and pulls out some bandages. “Who’s coming here to kill me?”

“One of our head inventors. He’s close to Agent P, one of his closest contacts at the agency.” Perry winces as the doctor wipes one of the bigger cuts gently with a warm cloth and places a bandage firmly over it.

“These should slow the bleeding.” By the time the two humans are done, Perry looks like a mummy. There’s a knock on the door, and Dr. Doofenshmirtz gets up off the floor slowly to go answer it. “Hello?”

Phineas and Ferb are standing there, with very angry looks on their faces. “Phineas, Ferb, come get Agent P, okay? We don’t have insurance for you guys to either arrest or fight.” Candace places herself between her brothers and the doctor.

Ferb nods at Heinz politely. “Agent P, you look like that mummy we found in the museum when I was eleven.”

“That was actually me.” Candace mumbles under her breath. Phineas snorts as he helps his brother gently lift Perry onto a stretcher.

Throwing one last glare in the direction of the doctor, the redhead follows Ferb and Perry out the door. Heinz rubs his nose gently. “Either that kid can punch with his eyes, or I’m still feeling the aftershocks of that first one you threw.”

Agent C winks at him. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he could.” Then her face hardens, “If you ever think about seriously harming my partner again, I won’t pull my punches. Got it?” She leaps off the balcony.

(Heh... Phineas can punch with his eyes. I had forgotten about writing that. :P I may need to include it in a later chapter.) Please Comment!

Schedule Update

Okay, so I'm losing speed in my writing, and am barely putting out two chapters a week. So, as of now, I am going back to only Tuesdays for chapter updates.

But, for today, I am going to give you a small peek into another story that I've been working on.

Carl looks around the empty room. As usual, he's the last person working today, but he doesn't mind. It's always so lonely going home to his empty house at night that sometimes he even sleeps in his cubicle.

"I guess I might as well go home." He says after finding nothing left to do. Even most of tomorrow's work is done. He slowly walks to his cubicle to get his coat and bicycle helmet. "What should I do for dinner tonight?" Carl asks himself.

"Krrrrrr?" Agent P is standing by the entrance to the cubicle with his fedora pushed back from his eyes.

Carl jumps, shrieking in fright. "Agent P, you gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here so late?" The platypus raises one eyebrow while pointing at himself, and Carl sighs, "I guess you could ask me the same question, huh?" When the agent doesn't respond, the intern enters his cubicle.

Perry shocks the intern by asking, "You planning on riding your bike home at three in the morning?" He blinks at the platypus in surprise, and Perry shrugs. "What? A platypus can't teach himself to speak English?"

The college intern keeps staring. After an awkward silence, Carl asks, "What if I was?" He quickly adds, "Planning on riding home?"

"I'd offer to give you a ride. Phineas and Ferb are at an all-night youth night at Irving's church, so I'm free." Perry smiles a little at the nervous intern. "I came to get some work done, but I saw that you were still here, so..."

Carl smiles a little. "Are you sure?" He asks, chewing on his lower lip. "I don't want to be a bother..."

Chuckling, Perry touches his arm. "Come on. Leave your helmet here, but it's a little chilly out there, so wear the coat."

I might have posted this before, but I love how caring Perry is in this story.

Thanks for reading.

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Chapter 50: Scrambled Eggs Make a Great Place To Hide Tracking Devices

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace shivers nervously as she walks up the Johnson’s driveway with her family. Perry has a mission, so he can’t come, so if it comes to fighting, her limited knowledge of martial arts will have to do. She flinches as she feels a hand slip into hers. Phineas whispers, “It’s all going to be okay, Candace. She won’t dare try anything with Jeremy watching, right?”

“I don’t know. This situation is an entirely new thing for me, Phineas.” Candace gently slips her hand out of her brother’s, and places it into her pocket, drawing out two small packages. “One for you, one for Ferb. A tracking device and a microphone in each. Our mission is to get at least one tracking device and one bug onto Suzy without being noticed by anyone.”

Phineas takes the packages and relays the message to Ferb, who nods. As the Johnsons welcome the Flynn-Fletchers into their house, Ferb tries to think of how to get the tracking device onto Suzy Johnson. Suddenly, he has an idea. Excusing himself politely, Ferb goes into the bathroom and locks the door securely. He tinkers with the tracking device until it is even smaller than before and can move around by remote control. Smiling a little, he joins the rest of his family to carry out his plan.

Placing the robotic tracking device on the table as they sit down to eat, Ferb uses his remote control to pilot it into Suzy’s breakfast.


Phineas manages to hide the bug in one of the black boots in Suzy’s closet and get out of her room without being discovered.

Candace offers to french braid Suzy’s hair for her, and hides one of each in the curly blonde hair. “You have such pretty hair.” She comments, as she finishes up the braid.

“Thank-you, Candace.” The twelve year-old reaches up to touch the braids gently. “This is really cool. Can you teach me how to do that?”

Candace smiles at her soon to be sister. “Sure.” In her head she adds, If you don’t take over the world and subject me to torture.

Phineas stares at his sister, thinking the same thing. “That’s a nice look for you, Suzy.”
“Thanks, Phineas!” The girl blushes a little, and giggles. Jeremy leans over and whispers something to Phineas, who laughs good naturedly. Then he pales a little.

His phone rings suddenly, and excusing himself, Phineas gets up and leaves the room. “Phineas Flynn speaking, who is this?” There’s a pain filled chatter on the other side of the phone. “Agent P?” He pulls the translator out of his pocket and places it in his ear. “Come again?”


Phineas walks back into the room where everyone is still chatting. “I hate to break up the party, but Candace, Ferb, and I are needed at work.”

Suzy’s eyes narrow slightly at them, and Jeremy sits up a little straighter. Linda frowns. “What exactly is ‘work’? You guys have never gone into explicit detail.”

“We work for the government, Mom.” Candace hugs her mother and then her fiancé.

Ferb looks worried. “Doof didn’t goof?”

“Doof didn’t goof.” After confirming this, Phineas basically pushes his siblings out of the door. “Bye, everyone!”

Suzy stands up, trembling a little. “I’ll be right back…”

“No you won’t, Suzy.” Jeremy grabs her hand. “We need to talk.”

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Chapter 49: Nightmares

(So, I just realized that I hadn't published chapter 47... Sorry. It's up now.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“Ferb… have you noticed that Perry’s been sleeping downstairs every night since they told us that he’s a secret agent?” Phineas is lying back on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

His step-brother looks over at him, “Yes, yes I have. Why?”

Phineas sits up, hugging his knees to his chest, “Do you think that he only slept up here with us to keep up appearances?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you go ask him?” Ferb rolls over and faces the wall. He hears his step-brother get up and leave the room. Secretly, he has been wondering the same thing. It’s like everything we knew was a lie. How are we supposed to know what was truth?


Perry tosses and turns in his pet bed. The nightmare is horrible, and he chatters in pain. Phineas has his translator in, so he hears, “No! Everyone… everyone…”

“Perry, wake up!” The nineteen year-old shakes his platypus gently, and ducks to dodge the reflex punch that comes his way.

“You’re okay! It was all a dream!” The platypus leaps up and hugs his owner tightly.

Phineas hugs him back, “Sounded pretty bad.” Suddenly, he has an idea. “Do you want to come up and sleep with us?” Perry looks uncomfortable as Phineas continues, “I actually came down to ask you why you have stopped sleeping in our room lately.” He scratches his ear nervously. “I thought that maybe… you only did it to keep up the appearance of a mindless pet.”

Perry looks down, “I thought that you might not want me to now… that you know that I’m a secret agent.”
“We miss you, Perry.” Phineas lifts up the agent gently. “And it looks like you miss us too.”

“That wasn’t the worst nightmare that I’ve ever had.” Perry chatters softly, cuddling into Phineas’ arms. The young man smiles, remembering how much he loves his pet.
Phineas strokes Perry’s back as he walks up the stairs. “Were we all gone?”

“Yeah… how did you know?” Perry smacks his forehead. “Never mind. I was talking in my sleep, wasn’t I?”
“You screamed no, then said everyone twice in a pain filled voice before I woke you up.” Phineas laughs. “Then you tried to punch me.”

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Chapter 48: I voted for you, Kevin

(Woah! This is a really short chapter. Sorry.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Candace grabs Phineas and hugs him tightly. He gasps, surprised. “I’ve wanted to do that in forever.” She lets go and sits down again.

“Candace, about that zebra…” Phineas winces a little, breaking off.

She laughs, “It’s okay, what do you want to tell me?”

Her brother bites his lip, looking downward, “Is… Are… I’m…”

“Not sure what to think?” Candace leans back on the couch, putting her feet up on the coffee table. “Neither am I.”

Ferb walks into the living room carrying fedora-less Perry. “Hey Ferb, Perry.”

Perry hops out of Ferb’s arms. Candace waves absentmindedly at him, “Yo, Meat-Brick.”

“Hi Candace.” Perry winks at them and curls up on his pet bed. “You should all get to sleep. We can’t do anything else until tomorrow.”

(The next chapter has a really cute pet/owner bonding moment, so stay tuned!) Please Comment!

Summer's Over?

So... the show that I've (okay, I admit it) idolized since I watched it the first time is actually ending. :'( Click Here To Find My Source For This Information

The good news is, Phineas and Ferb will never really end. I have seen a lot of people who love this show, and I've read multiple fan fictions written by real fans who keep the characters as canon as possible within their stories. I have walked down the street in my Perry the platypus hoodie and had people call out his name and tell me that they're huge fans of the show. I for one, will never stop watching Phineas and Ferb make every day count. NEVER. Because even if no more new episodes are coming out after this June, there is always a way to watch something that you love.

I want to thank Dan Povenmire and Swampy Marsh for making these last few years the best summer I ever had. :)

And my older brother for introducing me to the show, and the rest of my family supporting me in my... obsession.

Like Phineas says in Act Your Ages, "Our endless summer is finally coming to an end." The only thing I'm wondering is, "What am I going to do with that extra hour a day now?" :)

Thanks to PhineasFan11 for posting this song on YouTube. What Might Have Been
The song, (what might have been) has one line that's been making me... sad lately. When Phineas sings, "And now our endless summer is finally coming to an end." IT'S TRUE!! And then this morning Jesse and I were watching Teen Beach Movie (don't ask...) and the annoying aunt says that exact thing.

I may or may not have screamed at the television for ten minutes about opening wounds and then rubbing salt in them. [Sheepish Emoticon]

Yeah... I like this show too much. :/

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Chapter 47: Ferb’s Time To Shine

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Perry, what on earth are you wearing?” Perry comes into the bedroom that Ferb still shares with Phineas, and Ferb stares at the steak-specs.

The secret agent chuckles. “Steak-specs. Heinz invented them.”
Ferb looks back at his work, a smile playing on the sides of his mouth. “Why are you wearing them? Those are hilarious.”

“I have a black eye. I pretty much put them on for comic value.” Perry takes them off, snickering. “They’re starting to smell bad, though. I’ll be right back.” He runs down to the kitchen, where he tosses the specs into the trash. Linda stares after him as he vanishes back up into the bedroom.

She blinks a couple times. “Okay, I’m definitely seeing things. I think I’m going to bed.”

Perry sits down on Phineas’ raft bed. “Isn’t he too tall for this bed yet?”
“Who punched you?” Ferb glances at his platypus and winces. “Ooh, that looks painful.”

Said platypus raises one eyebrow. “This is nothing. Have you ever been through a sandpaper factory?”
Ferb winces again out of sympathy. “Yikes.” Taking a tiny little screwdriver, he tightens a small plate cover coated in plastic over some of the electrical components in the translator that he’s working on. “You didn’t answer my question.”

Perry looks at the translator on Ferb’s desk. “Oh that’s where that went. What are you doing?”
“Who punched you? I thought that you could dodge a punch while sleeping.” He reaches up and pulls a pencil out of his green hair. “Oh, that’s where that went…”

The platypus lies back on Phineas’ bed. “I don’t think that I’ve ever been on this bed all by myself.”
Ferb places a dust cover over the device on his desk to prevent debris from collecting on the circuits. “Stop avoiding my question.” He turns to Perry expectantly.

“I said something stupid, so I let Phineas punch me.” Perry resigns the information with a small sigh.

The nineteen year-old walks over and sits next to his pet gently. “What did you say?”

Perry’s eyes flash, going from a brown to more of a dark red. “It was something really stupid, okay?”
“Why didn’t you just apologize?” Ferb rolls the pencil around in his fingers awkwardly, “You know, instead of letting him hit you?”

“It’s a language that I understand.” Perry shrugs, looking downward. “I don’t speak the language of emotions very well.”

Ferb goes over to his bed, laying down with his head resting on a pillow. “I’ve noticed that. You know, except for during thunderstorms.” He grins. “When you and Phineas cling to each other in terror at each thunder crash.”

Perry sits up in astonishment. Both he and Phineas had thought Ferb was sleeping during the storms.“Please tell me that you don’t have pictures of that.”
“Of course not!” The young man looks over at Perry. Ferb has a big heart, always has, and he doesn’t understand what Perry means by a language. “What did you mean about the language thing?”

“It’s an O.W.C.A. thing, Ferb.” Perry leans back again. “Teasing, blackmail, although mostly in jest, violence… we use those things to compete with each other. I rose to the top of O.W.C.A. by training most of the other agents in fighting techniques.”
Ferb looks puzzled. “You blackmail each other?”

A smile starts to play on Perry’s bill. “Well, usually just for harmless things. For instance, nobody is ever mean to Carl, because he puts together the video clips for Christmas parties. Monobrow knows everything about everyone, and Monty… Monty we just all try to ignore.” Perry growls slightly, and the smile fades. “You would be surprised at how annoying he is about his acrobatic skills. I mean, he wants to fight evil, but there’s just something about him that none of us like.”
“Monty?” Ferb thinks back, “The name seems familiar…”

“Yeah, that’s because he is Vanessa’s ex. Do you have any idea how hard it was for Carl and I to keep that relationship secret from their fathers?” Perry mimes wiping sweat from his forehead.

Ferb sits up straight. “How do you know Vanessa? Who’s Monty’s father, and why did it fall to you and Carl to keep them a secret?”

The smile comes back, but this time Perry seems sadder, “Vanessa Doofenshmirtz, think about it. Monty Monogram, and that pretty much answers all of your questions.” 
“Oh.” Ferb nods. “Why didn’t Vanessa ever invite me home to meet her family?”

Perry frowns. “First of all, Heinz and Charlene, Vanessa’s parents, are divorced. When she turned eighteen, she surprised us all by going to live full time with Heinz. And also, how was she supposed to know when I was there?” He pulls out his fedora and starts rummaging around in it. Ferb reminds himself to ask later where his platypus stores that thing.“Ferb, if you had come in with Vanessa just as her father traps your pet platypus, your reaction would have been what, exactly?” Perry seems to find what he is looking for. He removes a note from the fedora, and throws it over to Ferb. “By the way, I found this in your pocket when we searched you after that mind wipe.”
Ferb opens the note gently, reading the words that he had written when he was twelve years-old. “Perry is a secret agent. Do not tell him you know. If you ever encounter O.W.C.A. again, put on a hair helmet.” The young man laughs. “I remember writing this. Phineas wrote one too, although his included a reminder not to be angry at you.”

Perry chuckles, which means that he smiles. “I have that one too. It occurred to me a couple days ago that I should have given those to you instead of using Candace’s pen.”
“Phineas would have still been angry. You had no reason not to tell us but fear.” Ferb pins the note to a small cork board beside his bed. Perry raises an eyebrow at him.

“Are you calling me a schnitzel?” Perry sits up, placing the fedora on his head and his little arms crossed against his chest.

Ferb knows what the Druelselsteinian insult means, having heard Vanessa use it before. “No. It was fear of being disowned by the ones that you love most. That’s not being a coward.” The agent stands up and starts to walk over to Ferb’s desk. “No you don’t, Perry. That’s a surprise.” Reaching out a hand to Perry, Ferb lightly touches the swollen eye. “And you might want to get that looked at by one of O.W.C.A.’s vets.”

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New Breakthrough

Okay, so I was watching Make Play (That's the episode where Candace and her doppelganger switch places) and during Doof's backstory, I noticed something.

Look closely at the side of Heinz' head.

Now, what is similar between these two faces?

Alright, that first picture is extremely blurry, but the point (heh, I make joke) is that as well as both their faces being triangles and they both have blue eyes, HEINZ HAD THOSE SAME FRECKLES WHEN HE WAS A KID!!!

For people who entirely deny the theory that Heinz is Phineas' father, they sure are making it easy to prove. [Mind-blown Emoticon]

(And I'm not even a supporter of that theory.)

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Chapter 46: The First Time They’ve Really Talked In Three Years

(So, I've been updating once a week since the beginning of April. I'm going back to Tuesdays AND THURSDAYS now. :) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“Uh, Candace?” Phineas reaches up to scratch his ear nervously. “Can we… talk?”

Candace barely looks up from her book. “That depends.”

He sits down on the couch next to her, making sure to keep some space between them. “What’cha readin’?”

A book on how to prepare for an evil dictatorship. Apparently I wrote it.” She crosses her legs, unconsciously creating a physical barrier between herself and her brother.

Phineas leans back into the couch. “Where did you get it from?”

“Perry gave it to me. He said that my other self gave it to him before she went back home.” She places a bookmark between the pages, letting her gaze linger on the words as she moves slowly and deliberately.

The inventor reaches up to scratch his ear again. “I wish you would relax a bit more around me. I’ve told you so many times…” he bites his lip, looking downward and placing his hands in his lap awkwardly.

Candace slowly closes her book, having finished the last sentence in the chapter. “I… I’ve tried, Phin. Believe me.”

“You know, Candace, I think that I’m more afraid of it than anyone else…” He looks over at his older sister, “Perry told me that I should try and develop it. So when you see his black eye, that was maybe my fault.”

She laughs. “How did you hit him? Perry is the best agent in O.W.C.A.” Candace looks down at the book in her hands. “Didn’t he see it coming and dodge?”

Phineas smiles in spite of himself. “His problem is that he trusts me too much. I tricked him into closing his eyes.” Then he sighs. “I feel like a horrible person.”

“Meat-Brick deserves to be punched every now and then.” Candace rubs the back of her neck. “I think that he thought so too.”

“What do you mean?” Her younger brother stares at her openly, “You think he let me punch him?”

Phineas’ reaction makes Candace smile a bit. She relaxes a little, uncrossing her legs. “Perry can sense a punch even with his eyes closed. Didn’t he tremble a bit as your fist got closer?”

Phineas thinks back, “Yeah… why would he let me hit him? Now I really feel horrible.”

“Don’t.” Perry comes in wearing a pair of steak-specs. “I can’t believe that I said that to you. If you weren’t going to hit me, I would have gone and asked Heinz to. He always enjoys it when I ask him to hit me.”

“How often..?” Phineas breaks off mid question as Candace puts up a hand.

She shakes her head. “Perry, that happened once.”

The platypus salutes them as he walks out of the room again. Phineas stares after him, “What? Did I miss something?”

“He made an insensitive joke. When I wouldn’t hit him for it, he walked over to Dr. D’s and somehow got the guy to whack him across the face with a monkey wrench.” Candace sighs. “It was actually slightly comical.”

Phineas stares after his platypus. “As comical as those things that he was wearing on his head?”

“No, I don’t think that’s possible.” Candace grins slightly. “Although, you and Ferb can do anything.”

“Why would we try to make something funnier than…” He looks at his hands, puzzled. “what were those, anyway?”

His sister shrugs, “Well, when there was something that was deemed impossible, you guys always used to jump all over the opportunity to prove it wrong.”

Phineas sighs. “Well, what if we grew out of that? Ran out of ideas?”

“What? No, Phineas. That’s what’s impossible! You can’t grow out of defying impossibility, because that’s what makes you guys…” Candace clasps her necklace in her hand tightly, “That’s what makes you guys who you are. It’s your strongest quality.”

“Maybe I’m scared to do it anymore, Candace. Maybe as I’ve grown up, I realized how dangerous it always was… maybe-” He collapses into the couch.

She stares at him. “You were a little irresponsible at times, and that scared me. But you never did anything wrong.”

Phineas looks over at her. “Then why were you always trying to bust us?”

“I never did, did I?” She smiles half-heartedly. “What would you say if I told you that I was jealous?”

“Why would you be jealous?” Her brother sits up again, looking at his sister with a new view point.

Candace stands up, and starts walking around in circles. “You guys never seemed to be worried about anything. You always seemed to come up with a plan so fast, and you were never worried about what anybody else thought.” She sits back down again, rubbing her necklace. “Plus, I couldn’t just relax and have fun. What if you or Ferb had gotten seriously hurt? I could never live with myself.”

Phineas stares at her, “You… why…” He looks down. “It was dangerous, and I know that now… but-”

“But you always had a backup plan. You never got hurt. And I want you to stay who you are, Phineas. I’ve always admired your optimism.” She grins, thinking of the girl who came through that gate over and over again. Every day of every summer, always asking the same question. “And not just me.”

(Yeah Steak-Specs! I really wanted to write those into this story, and Perry getting a black eye was too good an opportunity to miss. :P I have realized that I write a lot about Perry getting hurt... you'll see more of that later in Chapter 51.) Please Comment!

May The Fourth Be With You

Happy International Star Wars Day!

Okay, so who watched Phineas and Ferb Star Wars?

Who loved it?

Who hates it so much they want to kill whoever made it?

Not me. I LOVED it. Like, the same way Doof loves almond brittle or Candace loves Ducky Momo. And to celebrate International Star Wars Day... I wrote a one-shot about it.


Or, you could click on it down there under Holiday Specials.


Chapter 45: Perry’s Weakness

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

“Thank-you, Herman. We will review your information.” Rodney hangs up the phone and smiles at Zon. “He seems bad enough.”

She glares at him. “I traced the number to Australia, but before I could get any more information it was blocked, so I don’t have a return number. Plus, Herman Melville? That’s the guy who wrote Moby Dick!”

“Then why did you let me keep talking to him?” Rodney throws up his hands in defense as he realizes what Zon is talking about.

She shakes her head. “The name sounded familiar, so I searched it online. I’m only twelve, I haven’t read Moby Dick.”


“Really, guys? Herman Melville?” Perry raises one eyebrow at Phineas. Ferb is still typing ferociously at the computer, making sure that nobody will be able to trace the number to him.

Phineas shrugs. “What? It sounded good. Plus, I did a lot to get that name. I went back to the meanings of names, found Ahriman, which means evil spirit basically. Anagrammed it to come up with Hariman, which is an old Germanic form of Herman. And Melville means bad town. So, that name kinda means Evil Spirit Bad Town.”

“Actually, Herman means Army Man.” Ferb looks up from the computer. “I don’t think that anyone could trace that call to us, or this computer. At most they would be able to trace it to someplace in Canada.”

Perry spits out the translator. “I think I need to sit down.” He promptly passes out on the floor of his lair.

Phineas gasps and lifts the unconscious platypus onto a chair. “Okay, so some tweaking to that translator may be in order.”

Ferb picks up the translator. “Well, we can’t do much else tonight except maybe talk to Candace about that zebra…” He shakes his head confusedly, “We could work on it now.”


“He spoke with a strong Australian accent?” sighs and puts her head in her hands. “We were just infiltrated by O.W.C.A.’s top agent, Perry the Platypus.”

Rodney shakes his head. “Animals can’t talk. There was definitely someone talking on that phone.”

“Perry’s host family are all geniuses! They could have…” Zon Joshsyn’s face lights up in a huge smile. “Perry’s host family… I know who they are!” She presses a button on her desk, paging her master of disguises. “Oh, Dennis!”

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So Cool!

So, I was looking at the Audience tab for my blog, and I realized that there have been a lot of views from places that I never would have dreamed. First of all, so far, there have been over 400 views from the U.S.A. and Canada. So thank-you.

But there have also been views from:
United Kingdom
and Venezuela.

So cool. Just thought that I'd say thanks to everyone for reading my blog.

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