Chapter 38: What If The Fate Of The World Depends On How Long You Take To Choose A Pet To Adopt?

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Perry rushes into the adoption center. He notices that Candace is working with some customers, and he takes off his fedora and unfocuses his eyes a bit. “Candace! We’ve got a problem!”
“Oh, there you are, Perry.” Candace smiles down at him quickly. She turns to her customers again, but Perry notices her moving her hands slightly in the silent mode of communication that they worked out for emergencies. “I need to finish this, Perry”. “So you lost your pet duck a year ago, and you are ready for a new pet?”

Perry looks up sharply. Darren’s host family is standing in front of his partner. The littlest kid looks down and spots Perry. “Hey, that’s the beaver duck that came over to play with Darren once!”

Candace’s smile disappears. “Did he say Darren?” She asks the mother quietly.

“Yes. Darren was our pet duck’s name.” Candace nods.

She smiles at the little boy. “This is my pet platypus Perry.” Perry chatters at the little boy gently. “Do you want him to help you find the perfect pet?”

The little boy nods, and Candace lifts up Perry and places him in the kid’s arms. “Really, Candace? The fate of the world is at stake here. Also your life!”

She signs back in their emergency language that ‘she’ll talk to Carl about a break -even though she has been asking to help with adoptions since she was upgraded to agent- and in the meantime would he please just play along with the little boy and if not for her for his friend Darren who might just be a skeleton at the bottom of a shark tank for all he knows.’ At least, that’s what Perry got out of it. Candace may have said more, but she was talking to the little boy’s mother at the same time, so it was kind of hard to read her hand signals.

“So just call…” Candace tries to remember the name that Carl is using but can’t. “Either of us over if you need any help, okay?”

“Are you even paying attention to me?” Perry chatters at her as he’s carried off towards the animal cages.

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