(Woah! This is a really short chapter. Sorry.) Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.
Candace grabs Phineas and hugs him tightly. He gasps, surprised. “I’ve wanted to do that in forever.” She lets go and sits down again.
“Candace, about that zebra…” Phineas winces a little, breaking off.
She laughs, “It’s okay, what do you want to tell me?”
Her brother bites his lip, looking downward, “Is… Are… I’m…”
“Not sure what to think?” Candace leans back on the couch, putting her feet up on the coffee table. “Neither am I.”
Ferb walks into the living room carrying fedora-less Perry. “Hey Ferb, Perry.”
Perry hops out of Ferb’s arms. Candace waves absentmindedly at him, “Yo, Meat-Brick.”
“Hi Candace.” Perry winks at them and curls up on his pet bed. “You should all get to sleep. We can’t do anything else until tomorrow.”
(The next chapter has a really cute pet/owner bonding moment, so stay tuned!) Please Comment!