Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.
Phineas steps in front of his brother. “Did you talk to Candace?”
Ferb blocks the question by putting up a hand in the universal sign for stop. He shakes his head.
“I was worried about that. When I saw her in the interrogation room of O.W.C.A.” Phineas watches his brother’s reaction.
Ferb’s mouth hangs open as he gasps. “O.W.C.A. arrested Candace?”
“No, she looked like she was actually asking most of the questions. Monogram said that the man entered her room and stole a file.” Ferb waits for his younger brother to continue, seeing that he’s on a tirade, “I asked more questions, but most of the answers were ‘we don’t know’ and ‘you aren’t cleared for that information’.” Phineas clenches his jaw. “I hate secrets, and apparently there are a lot more than I thought there were here.”
“Phineas… relax. Listen, I’m going to go talk to her now, okay?” Ferb sighs. “Go build something. Carpe Diem, Phineas.”
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