Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.
Isabella looks at Phineas worriedly, “Are you okay?”
He smiles a little. “I’m having trouble understanding Perry and Ferb. They keep on acting like this is just…”
“An ordinary day?” The 18 year-old girl places a hand on his shoulder. “I know that you’ve never liked that.”
Phineas tries to laugh, but it’s very forced. “Yeah. There are two evil maniacs trying to take over the world, and they’re taking coffee breaks!” She gives him a quick hug, and he flinches, but then hugs her back. “Seriously, Izzy, Warn me next time.”
“Coffee breaks? You came to visit your girlfriend.” Isabella squeezes his hand. “But why don’t you go talk to them? Ask them about it?”
He leans back into the couch they’re sitting on. “I tried. They just said there is nothing we can do about it.”
Isabella stands up, pulling him to a standing position. “You have never given up in your life, Flynn.” She kisses him quickly on the cheek, “Now go ask them again.” Pushing him toward the door roughly, she says, “I know that you think there’s another reason.”
“You know me too well.” Phineas puts on his coat and they kiss goodbye. “Hopefully the next time I see you we won’t be the sad subjects of Zon Joshsyn and Aloyse Everheart Elizabeth Otto Wolfgang Hypatia Gunther Galen Gary Cooper von Roddenstein.”
Isabella raises an eyebrow, “How long did it take you to memorize that name?”
Ferb is using a screwdriver to adjust something under Major Monogram’s desk. “So this will dispense coffee straight into my cup?”
The nineteen year-old rolls his eyes. Monogram’s priorities seem twisted to him sometimes, but the guy gets his job done. “Yes, yes it will. Whenever you finish one cup, you just need to press the button on the bottom of the spout, and it will refill it for you with your favorite blend.” Ferb sits up, carefully avoiding banging his head on the bottom of the desk.
Perry comes in, raising an eyebrow at his boss. “You know, if you weren’t using the budget to do things like this, we might be able to afford an actual interrogation light.”
“Agent P, it is not your position to judge how I spend our budget.” Monogram sips his coffee. “Thank-you, Ferb.”
The Brit salutes, and after receiving a return salute from his boss, he follows the platypus out of the room. Phineas is leaning against the wall, glaring at them. “We need to talk.”
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