Chapter 65: Disbelief

Phineas and Ferb does not belong to me.

Phineas chuckles, “I thought I heard you say that I need to go work for Joshsyn.”

“I did say that.” The young man stops laughing and stares at Perry. “We haven’t told Candace because we need her to be believably mad at you when you ‘turn to the dark side’.” He outlines “turn to the dark side” with finger quotes.

Ferb gets up and taps his brother’s nose. Phineas doesn’t respond, as he’s still staring at Perry, frozen. “Phineas…”

When Ferb speaks, Phineas throws his arms out in front of him angrily. “We just made up! It’s taken three years for her to trust me after finding out about my… and now you want me to-” Perry gets up, walks over to Phineas and beckons him to lean down. When the boy kneels to be at the platypus’ eye level, Perry whacks him across the face. Not hard, just enough to hurt a little. “What was that for?”

The secret agent makes the international shush sign, and says, “Listen, Phineas. I know this is hard. I’ve been on both sides of situations like this before.” He sighs, “Sometimes it’s necessary to pretend to betray people when you’re working for the good guys. It’s hard. But,” Looking into Phineas’ eyes, Perry says, “I know that you can handle it. You’re a strong man.”

Ferb helps his brother up. “There are instructions hidden in this book.” He hands Phineas a copy of Evil Methods for Beginners. Taking the book, the red haired inventor flips through it, easily picking up the code. “No one else will be able to understand them, because the code was written so that only our two minds would be able to understand it. Even Perry is clueless, and he’s-”

“Won several awards for codebreaking, in the agency and out of it.” Perry salutes his owner.

Phineas stomps his foot. “I can’t believe you! You two are just taking too long to act! I’m going to storm Joshsyn myself!”

When he’s stormed out of the room, Perry meets Ferb’s eyes. “I really hope he’s acting.”

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